Goldfield, Nevada

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Not much left of Goldfield

Goldfield, Nevada

Goldfield Nevada

These old buildings have been well cared for.

Goldfield, Nevada

What was once a small city of over 20,000 people.....

Goldfield Hotel.

Once considered the most luxurious hotel between Chicago and San Francisco. In 1908, Teddy Roosevelt spoke to a large crowd from the balcony of this hotel. The building now stands empty.

Goldfield Hotel

Once considered the most luxurious hotel between Chicago and San Francisco. In 1908, Teddy Roosevelt spoke to a large crowd from the balcony of this hotel. The building now stands empty.

Goldfield, Nevada

Goldfield, Nevada - old telephone office

Interesting history - Goldfield, Nevada

Goldfields old high school

This building is falling down in places. There is some sort of construction happening and I would guess it is being demolished (not sure though). I hate to see historic structures destroyed.

Goldfield court house

Goldfield, Nevada

Goldfield, Nevada

Goldfield, Nevada

Goldfield, Nevada

One of many bottle houses in the area.

Old mines outside of Goldfield

Goldfield has many old mine working right outside of town.